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FAQ - Knife Subscription Club

Common questions and answers

When are orders shipped out?

We typically ship orders out between the 15th and 25th of each month. Please note that your order must be in by 5:00 PM CST on the 9th in order to be shipped out the same month, otherwise your order will be shipped out the following month during our normal shipping window.

Who is it for?

Anyone who likes and appreciates knives.

Can I choose my knife?

Negative, ghost rider. We randomly select knives before shipping. We choose only high quality knives. This process helps us to keep the low price point of $17.95.

Can I send knives as a gift?

You-bet-cha. Simply put the intended's shipping address down as the address of delivery.

Do you accept returns or exchanges?

Unfortunately due to our low price, club model, we're unable to accept returns or exchanges.

When does my subscription plan renew?

For customer convenience all plans are set to auto-renew on the 1st of each month until you cancel.

How do I cancel my account?

We hate to see you go, after all you mean so very much to us. To cancel simply email our team at knifeclub@knifesubscription.club and we cancel or adjust your billing increment